Cry me a river



I am a random crier.

The things that will make me cry one day will not even make me flinch the next.

Oh but when the flood gates do open, it’s ON, I let it flow like I am right smack bang in the midst of a terrible 2’s tantrum. But it’s not ever over one big thing, but more like after something big happened, then a couple of medium sized things follow and then all it takes is one small thing like me stubbing my toe and it’s all over red rover.

Or I get the crazy sentimental memory tears…which always confuse the people around me.

Like today I watched Celine Dion perform “my heart will go on” (when I was 11 and I would sing it imagining that I was Rose and Jack aka Leonardo DiCaprio would love me one day…stopped waiting about 10 years ago FYI) at the Billboard Music awards, I recorded the show just to watch her (and Cher)
And when Celine started getting emotional at the end of her song as she was receiving a standing ovation from her gazillion fans it made me tear up.
All of the emotion.
Or watching queen Cher come on stage at 71 (yes you read that correctly, seventy one) looking EPIC in her “turn back time” black sheer outfit and just killing it, you guessed it, I got teary.
Couldn’t even begin to explain why. It just touches my emotion bone, aka heart.

I will cry at every wedding I see. Real life, movie, tv show or reality show no matter how insincere or obscure…cue tears.

Terrorism. Enough said.

One of the most emotional days of my life was probably not what you’d expect….in 2011 Dan took me to see my idol Dolly Parton.
She started singing before the curtain even lifted and I was in hysterics, crying so hard the man beside me actually asked Dan if I was okay, and eventually moved seats.
Anyway this (my crying) went on basically through the entire show, and most of the drive home…and possibly sporadic moments in the following days (ahem weeks…months)

Another example is from tonight, I was mid conversation with Dan about something light hearted and a Qantas ad came on TV.
It was a woman celebrating her birthday, husband & children singing happy birthday, a cake, and her Mother is there via Skype. Then her husband surprises her with plane tickets to the UK to see her Mum, everyone cheers, cries, a business class plane ride later and we see an emotional reunion with her Mum at the airport. I just stopped dead in my tracks and started bawling my eyes out. Obviously I miss my mum & can relate as she lives a plane ride away in Victoria but holy cow it really hit my crying nerve. Dan just calmly said “are you crying about that happy ad?” I nodded with snot pouring out of my nose and he just pat my head as he walked past. He knows I’m okay, I was just having a moment, he’s witnessed these moments before many times.

Other times I will be mid fight with Dan and let me just say now, he is THE WORST person to argue with. He always tries to make me laugh when I am reaching peak Phoebe rage, and it makes it worse because I can’t help but laugh at him. And when I laugh he thinks he’s instantly off the hook, and then I get so mad at myself for laughing that I rage cry through clenched teeth and flap my arms around like a flightless bird.

I love a good cry, sometimes you just have to let it all out. It is so refreshing at certain times to just let everything go and let those tears flow.

But, I do not like crying in front of people. Not Dan, not my parents not my friends. Maybe if I was a pretty crier I wouldn’t mind, I put Kim Kardashian to shame, my face becomes scarily distorted and the snot bubbles start popping about 30 seconds in. But it’s not even the ugly cry I don’t want people to see, it’s that if I let my guard down enough and cry in front of someone I just won’t stop. It takes over my entire body and I cannot control myself.

Having said that, I love a good movie to get my cry on too. So here is my list of top 5 movies for your crying pleasure…

1. The Notebook – the old Noah & Allie break my heart
2. The Impossible – mega heaving tears (about the 2004 Boxing Day tsunami)
3. Steel Magnolias – Shelby, oh the heartbreak, never gets easier
4. Dead Poets Society – “O Captain, My Captain”
5. Marley & Me – ok ok, so this isn’t your typical sob story, but for any one who has loved a dog like a human it’ll have the tears flowing (Hachi is in the same rank for this one)

Originally this list was 15 movies deep but had to Shortlist it for those of you who haven’t got all day, your welcome.

What was the last thing you cried about???

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