31 Thank you’s



Over the years I have gifted my mum all of the classics for Mother’s Day, cook books, a mortar & pestle, more cook books, hand cream, perfume, jewellery, fluffy robes, fuzzy socks…you name it I’ve done it.

But this year, I haven’t even been able to get myself organised enough to send my mum a card this Mother’s Day, which is unforgivably slack of me.

So this will be my gift to Mum this  Mother’s Day….a thank you list, of allllll the things I really need to thank my darling Jilly Willy for.
• Firstly thank you for giving birth to the worlds best human (calm down Hamish, I’m talking about me, not you)

• For passing on your sense of humour & love of sarcastic humour to me

• For teaching me the importance of drinking 100 litres of water per day, and to never leave the house (even if it’s to take the Rubbish bins out) with out at least 2 bottles of water

• That sometimes throwing a few plates or mugs is good for the soul

• How to clean the kitchen sink properly. I now have OCD about my kitchen sink, so thanks (*sarcasm)

• Cotton is best, linen, undies, baby clothes…100% cotton always

• For having the answers to all of my health related questions any time of the day or night no matter how TMI they are

• When and how to unleash my inner bitch

• For not throwing me out the window when I was a baby with colic

• Teaching me to be practical

• Letting me whinge and bitch about anything and everything without a trace of judgement

• Being there to let me heal physically, mentally and emotionally after each of my babies were born, I actually couldn’t have survived those first weeks without you

• Always telling me I am beautiful even when I legitimately look and feel like shit

• Throwing me a princess party with all of my favourite things on my 30th birthday

• Encouraging my creativity, crazy ideas and wild escapades

• Laughing with me and at me

• Embracing my friends into our family wholeheartedly

• The importance of not wearing undies to bed (aka “airing your vagina” ~ a Jilly-ism)

• Referring to sex as “rrrrr-ing”

• Being the worlds most amazing grandmother

• For having the magic ability to turn the simplest ingredients into the most mouthwatering and comforting meals

• Never ending a phone call without saying “I love you”

• Embedding into my brain that all you want is for me (and Hamish) to be happy

• Being such an amazing role model for me, hard working, honest, loving, resilient, warm, generous and hilarious

• If you look after your things they will last, hand wash everything

• Making our home a home, wherever you live it’s always my home

• For teaching me that playing Dixie Chicks really loud is a great way to let your family know your in a bad mood

• For going without so Hamish and I never had too

• Being there when I need you most

• For asking me if I am coping at least once a week

• Allowing me to follow you around my house/your house talking at you, not too you
There are honestly 100 other things I could thank my mum for but I am just so thankful that Jilly is MY mum, and I only have to share her with my brother (and about a dozen if not more of our friends who have become adopted into our family over the years…you know who you are) 
I feel very lucky (maybe even #blessed) to have such an amazing woman as my mother, and my best friend.

I cannot imagine a life without her in it.

And I am this happily left of centre woman today because of your influence and love Mum.

So thank you, and 
Happy Mothers Day.

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